U ring in Czech A-ring in Scnadinavian languages Works with S and other letters as well as C Use Option+N to place a tilde over any vowel including E,I Latin long mark, plus long Y (Ȳ) and long ash (Ǣ). Use Option+E for acute Y and Option+U for umlaut Y Note: If these codes are not working, then please make sure you have activated and switched to the extended keyboard following the instructions above. Check your documents carefully to be sure formatting is consistent. Many of the fonts from Apple, Adobe and Unicode friendly fonts include the extended accents, but some older fonts or decorative fonts may be missing characters.

keyboard or to some other keyboard, click on the flag icon on the upper right and select a keyboard from the dropdown menu. A flag icon corresponding to the keyboard will be displayed on the upper right.
Open a software application such as a word processor, spread-sheet or any other application in which you need to enter text.Make sure you have activated all the appropriate keyboards following the instructions in the previous section.

Click Add to ensure that they keyboard is activated. Extended keyboard is listed under English.